Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Instructional Design and eLearning

This week, I'm taking a look at three different blogs that are relevant to instructional design in eLearning:
  1. Allen Interactions - eLearning Leadership Blog
  2. Clive on Learning
  3. The Rapid eLearning Blog
Allen Interactions - eLearning Leadership Blog

Ethan Edwards

This blog is maintained by Ethan Edwards, the chief instructional strategist at Allen Interactions. Ethan injects a fair amount of humour into his work here, and challenges instructional designers and developers to re-think many of their preconceptions about what eLearning should look like, and how it should function to be effective.

Allen interactions is a custom eLearning development company which was started by Michael Allen.  I've enjoyed a number of Michael Allen's books over the years including his "Guide to e-Learning". 

Clive on Learning

Clive Sheppard

Clive Sheppard is one of the more active bloggers who touches on instructional design in his eLearning blog. Clive reviews books, case studies, trends and explores a number of questions that are relevant to eLearning. 

Clive is based in the UK, I appreciate the "global" perspective that his blog brings to eLearning and instructional design. He isn't afraid to challenge assumptions and invites his readers to do the same.

The Rapid eLearning Blog

Tom Kuhlmann

I've saved my favourite for last - Tom Kuhlmann's "The Rapid eLearning Blog". Tom works with Articulate and has been a key force in creating a community of committed Articulate users through is weekly posts. The content is geared towards using the Articulate toolset, and creating meaningful and visually engaging learning experiences.

Even though Tom only blogs once a week, he is still one of the more regular bloggers in the field of eLearning. His posts are relevant, useful and engaging.  All things that good eLearning should be.  Each week I learn something new from his blog that I am actually able to apply to the work that I do.  Many blogs on instructional design and eLearning focus very heavily on the theoretical and philosophical end of creating learning experiences.  Tom's post are very practical and hands on and I appreciate that a great deal.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kay,

    I have subscibed to your blog.

